Wednesday, 29 July 2015

Happy third year anniversary

I'm 38 weeks and 4 days today. Hubby and I took leave to go for a date! To celebrate our 3rd year anniversary. He brought me to Mbs to buy the balenciaga bag I was eyeing for since last year. Hehe! So this $2500 thing is with me now, and it's for my birthday/wedding/push gift! It's kind of a splurge so I'm trying to make it sound more worth it by putting many reasons behind this bag. Hahaha. 

Anyway it's a happy day today! Hubby woke up in the morning. First thing he said was....... Not happy anniversary. It was..... I wanna eat mee rebus.... So anyway he went out to Dabao for us. Then we set off at about 10am. Drop our precious son off at trish place, then head off to MBS. Bought my fave chicken of essence from euyansang as well. 

Then adjourned to suntec for our lunch. Had ramen at kasuke or smth like that. Salty! That was where I gave him my gift i prepared long ago. So afraid he won't like it. He say he wasn't expecting anything so anything is okay. Anyway, he didn't really feel that he needs a new wallet. Nevertheless he accepted the gift and I started to help him arrange his cards into the wallet. 

Just hope this wallet grows in him Lah. Hmmmm.... Oh then he's eyeing at this Oakley Shades. Sigh. Should just get that for him lor...... Owells. 

Okay after that I tried llaollao like finally. So so only leh. Bought a small gift for baby Q. Mesh top for R. See. I can't stop thinking of my boys when I'm out. 

And finally watch ant man ! Quite funny show.  :D all ends well. With noose to catch when we got home. 

Happy 3rd. Year anniversary! My longest relationship ever. And I'm so fortunate to be with someone who still keeps my heart beating like I just fell in love for the first time. 

Wednesday, 22 July 2015


A few weeks ago, Trish and I were signing books after a speaking engagement and a young guy handed me his book and began to shake my hand.

“I’m not married yet,” he said, “but I’m engaged to be married. What is the one avoidable mistake you see couples make that I can learn from?”

It was a great question. There was lots of pressure to name one thing. I shared with him what I am sharing with you.

There is one thing that starts out in most marriages but over time goes missing. This one thing makes great marriages good; extraordinary marriages ordinary; average marriages struggle and bad marriages toxic.

The one thing that is missing: gentleness 

So many couples are missing gentleness in their relationship. Many couples have gone so long without it that they’ve become numb to their need for it. They’ve settled for marriage minus gentleness.

Gentleness is a disposition. Gentleness makes up the character and heart of a relationship.

Gentleness doesn’t fly off the handle when your husband is late for dinner.

Gentleness doesn’t lose it’s temper when your wife drops her iPhone on accident.

Gentleness refuses to give level ten responses to level two issues.

Gentleness reminds your spouse of all that they are not all that they are not.

Gentleness says we’re fighting for each other not with each other.

Gentleness is humble enough to admit you’re wrong and doesn’t gloat or keep score when you’re right.

It sets the tone and direction of every conversation and disagreement. Gentleness paves the way for forgiveness and conflict resolution. It is the thermostat of every marriage.

Even when you can’t describe gentleness, you know what it looks like when you see it.

A few days ago, I was scrolling through Facebook and saw a beautiful display of gentleness. My friends Tim and Faith Stevens were celebrating their 25th wedding anniversary. Gentleness only grows over time if it is intentional. This post is full of gentleness. FullSizeRenderHarshness might make someone obedient or compliant, but gentleness wins their heart. 

There is this powerful Scripture in the New Testament that talks about gentleness.

Galatians 5:22-23 22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!

There is this reality that the longer I walk with God, the more gentle I should become.

How gentle are you with your wife? Do you give her the benefit of the doubt? Do you lead with love and grace instead of accusation and guilt?

How gentle are you with your husband? Does he look forward to coming home from work to be with you or dread coming home because he’ll be yelled at or made to feel like a failure?

People think they need more communication, more sex, more money, more conflict resolution to have a better marriage. Maybe.

But what guarantees a better marriage…gentleness.

Gentleness will change everything. 

- See more at:

Wednesday, 15 July 2015


Today hubby came over to the side of my bed, hugged me from the top and told me.. I love you. :) 

After so many years............... 

(But that is after I walked away with disappointment earlier tonight after complaining how he respond when I ask if he loves me. He ask me where got people ask like that. I told him I never knew the answer before. And he still refuse to say. )

Can't wait for 29 july. Where we both be taking leave and celebrate our rom day. Hehe.