Monday, 21 April 2014

Prayer changes thing.

My childbirth experience was so surreal. God is with me all the time. Let me share what happened. I was admitted to hospital at 1pm. And my epidural and induce drip is administered to me by 1.40. After that it's all waiting time. Waiting time with my big heavy legs and big tummy is restraining my movements. 

Anesthelogist told me to turn my body every 1-2hrs n I did that feeling numb and afraid that my needle at the back would drop off. 

Anyway it was 4.5hours of waiting before doctor lim came in n said I was only 1.5cm dilated. I worried. Because my energy is depleting. I am hungry. I am uncomfortable. I am tired. I am impatient. 

I prayed for god to intervene. I recall the verse. Do not worry about anything. Instead pray for everything. So I kept praying. I prayed for a healthy boy. I prayed for an escalated increase in cervix opening. 

And I am thankful god answered all of them! I am so blessed that after 5 more hours of waiting, my cervix has open to 8cm. And shortly after a midwife cane and help me push. Hubby also supported me with my head. Midwife ask him to come see Riordan's hair. Hahaha 

I prayed for strength while I pushed. And within 30 mins. Riordan is out. It is amazing. After 40 weeks and 5 days of waiting. Our baby finally arrived to the world safe and sound. 

And the next thing I worried about was breastfeeding because i had no milk first 3 days. I kept rubbing my breast while Riordan latch on. I couldn't figure out the positioning. I worry so much I can't sleep. I am so stress and lonely. No one to talk to. But I prayed for god to intervene again. Prayed for milk supply to come in. Prayed for Riordan to know how to latch well. Then the next morning. God answered everything. A nice lactation nurse came. And checked my nipples. Told me my milk is coming in and Riordan is latching on perfectly. A masseu came in and told me I have milk as she massaged me. And then when I borrowed nail clipper from one of the nurses. Guess what? The keychain says. Prayer changes things. 

Not only has god answered my
prayer. He comforted me through various ways too. I teared as I saw that. I have so many peoole around me encouraging me. Tricia, Louise, Audrey, Weiyuan. 

I gotta be strong. And god will help me through all. 

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